Literary translation

Literary translation

Translating literary work requires a full on immersion into the literary work that is to be translated. Different from technical translations, which have a more standardized terminology, literary translations give the translator more freedom when translating, while at the same time maintaining the ideas and vibe from the source text to the target text, preserving the situational context.

Literary translations are inserted in the category of Publishing Translation in which the genre is sorted out by fiction texts, chronicles, poetries etc.

In literary translations, preserving the speaking style of each character in the author´s literary work is extremely important, and must be evident in the dialogues. Therefore, the translator must understand the text as a whole, the meaning and communicative value of the original text. That being said, this type of translation requires specialized translators in this translation field, and the translator will have to dominate the technique of the dialogue's writing, colloquialism, idiomatic expressions, slangs and the narrative styles taken on by the author of the source text in the literary work. All this requires a specific translator profile, specialized in this field of translation.

A Tradumedia® has all the resources so that your literary work can be translated with the expected quality.


About Us

A Tradumedia International® was brought up from the need of specialized services in media and text translation for demanding clients with specific needs.

We have a highly qualified team in which our collaborators have specific graduations in Faculty of Arts and Translation.